Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Happiness Project

I think... I think... I finally have the months down for my project. I'm still undetermined for December and January and so those topics or what I do in those months may end up changing but here's what I have so far...

March – Create Energy
  • Exercise 5 days a week
  • Clean out the clutter
  • Eat at home or a home cooked meal 18 out of 21 meals per week
April – Honor Friendships
  • Organize a scavenger hunt
  • Organize a monthly improv group
  • Gather and celebrate birthdays
  • Make 1 new friend
May – Bring in Music
  • Start cello lessons
  • Discover a new band or musician
  • Listen to music (without the TV on) 4 hours a week at home
June – Celebrate your uniqueness 
  • Spend an hour a week doing research on
  • Write a poem a week
  • Find 3 heroes and discover the qualities that you have that they have and what qualities you want but that don’t have… yet.
July – Be Playful
  •  Swing at a park
  • Color in coloring books
  • Take a painting class
  • Host a Murder Mystery dinner
August – Explore your backyard
  • Trip to Yellowstone
  • Do a local tour of Denver
  • Find a new cafĂ©
  • Eat at two new restaurants
September – Pursue a Passion
  • Complete a sprint triathlon
  • Carry your camera and take more photos (1 a day)
October – Celebrate the Power of Words
  • Write a novel in 30 days
  • Create a quote journal
  • Read Writing Down The Bones and Bird by Bird
November – Give Thanks
  • Do New Moon and Full Moon Rituals
  • Say “thank you” 2 times a day
  • Create a gratitude journal
December – Create Tradition
  • Go for a walk on Christmas day
January – Bring in the New – Open to New Experiences
February – Be Loving
  • Give 3 compliments a day
  • Celebrate Valentine’s Day
March – Boot Camp

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